Saturday, October 1, 2011

Happy Feast Day Saint Therese of the Child Jesus!

In honor of the feast day of St. Therese of the Child Jesus I would like to share a link of prayers to her and also to share with you that many years ago, I had prayed to her for an answer in my life and hours later, was answered by her by receiving a dozen red roses while I was at work as a physical therapist assistant!  She clearly told me what it was that I was to do and I have always been dedicated to her since that time.  Please enjoy the link and the many prayers that are attached and believe in her intercession on our behalf .

1 comment:

Margaret said...

I remember that. And afterward you received one of those chain letters that promised bad luck if you didn't pass it on. It was a novena to St. Therese. You decided instead to rewrite the jinx letter (did I ever thank you?) into a sharing of your story of faith and answered prayer.

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